Tuition & Fees

Quality Education At An Affordable Price

NSBA is committed to offering the best educational experience for students at an incredible value.

NSBA Average Tuition Cost
Texas Private School Average Tuition Cost

This data can be found here

2024-2025 Tuition Rates



New Enrollment

Please see the Enrollment Page to submit an application for new enrollment.
  • New Student Enrollment Fee upon acceptance to NorthSide Baptist Academy - $78.


  • NSBA is committed to using the very best curriculum available for each course and at every grade level. Each year, Administration and Faculty review updated curriculum and select the best materials they can find. All materials must be rigorous, and they must reflect a biblical worldview.
  • Book fees must be paid to NSBA to cover the cost of books, student materials, teacher materials, and classroom materials for the school year.
  • All student books and materials become the property of the student/family once they are distributed. If books or materials are lost or damaged, the family is responsible for the replacement cost of those books or materials.
  • Book fee payments made by June 1, 2025, will receive a $75 discount to reflect the discount that NSBA receives for purchasing materials early for the new school year.
  • Book fees for the 2025-2026 school year:
Grades Before June 1 After June 1
Pre-K through 5th Grades:$325$400
6th through 12th Grades:$375$450


  • Tuition may be paid in full, paid in two installments (one at the beginning of each semester), or paid in 10 monthly installments.
  • Monthly installments are due on the 1st of the month, starting August 1st and concluding on May 1st.

K4 - 12th Grades

Class Yearly Tuition Monthly Tuition
K-4 & K-5 Half Day (5 days per week)$5,050.00$505.00
K-4 & K-5 Full Day$6,175.00$617.50
1st through 5th Grade$5,050.00$505.00
6th - 12th Grade$5,320.00$532.00

Multi-Child Discounts available

  • 2nd child = 10% discount
  • 3rd child = 15% discount
  • 4th child = 20% discount
  • 5th+ child = 30% discount

*This discount applies only to tuition and does not apply to any fees.

Referral Credit available

  • Families may receive a $100 referral credit by referring families to NSBA. Referred families must pay the enrollment and the first full semester of tuition before the credit will be applied to the referring family’s account. If a family is referring a new family, they must send an email to NSBA’s Head of School prior to the new family submitting an application for enrollment.
Additional Fees

Additional Fees

Science Lab Fee

  • $50 per student per year — 6th - 12th grades

Fundraiser Fee

  • A $300 per student per school year fundraiser fee helps to keep tuition fees low.
  • This fee can be eliminated by participating in the annual NSBA fundraiser.
  • This fee can be covered in multiple ways:
    • A one-time payment due by August 15th will eliminate fundraiser involvement and further fundraising invoices for the school year.
    • A $30 monthly fundraiser fee will be added to your monthly tuition invoice.
    • Income from your student’s participation in NSBA Fundraisers will be credited to his/her fundraiser fee up to $300 per school year.

Kindergarten Graduation Fee

  • $50 per student

Senior Graduation Fee

  • $75 per student

Iowa Standardized Testing Fee

  • $25 per student — K5 - 10th Grade
  • Iowa testing is an informational test that allows NSBA to assess a student’s progress. This test does not determine a student’s promotional status.
  • Iowa test results will be shared with parents.

Academic Testing

  • Students 3rd grade and above may be eligible to participate in competitive academic testing through the American Association of Christian Schools. This competition allows students to be tested in a variety of subjects as they compete against students in other Christian schools around the country.
  • Teachers may nominate students to participate in Academic Testing. If parents allow their students to test, the cost is $10 per test per student.
  • Additional information will be sent home at the appropriate time.

Late Fees

  • Late fees may be charged by FACTS when payments are not made in a timely manner. Please see your FACTS billing contract for policies concerning late fees.
Daily Meal Plans

Daily Meal Plans

Lunch menus are provided on the FACTS system. Families may order lunches in advance as they deem necessary as NSBA’s office unlocks menu items.

Meal Plan Costs:

  • Snack $2.00
  • Lunch $4.75
  • Individual items (salad bar, cookies, cinnamon rolls, etc.) may be made available for purchase through the FACTS system as well.

Students who do not bring lunch and do not order a lunch will be served a hot lunch and will be charged $10.00. Depending on the availability of food, this may be a lunch different than what is being served that day.

Start of the School Day

Start of the School Day

  • NSBA doors will open at 7:30 a.m. on school days.
  • The school day begins at 8:00 a.m.
  • Students are considered tardy at 8:00 a.m.
  • NSBA begins with pledges, Bible memory verses, singing, school announcements, and prayer.
  • Students will not be let in the door prior to 7:30 a.m.
After Care

After Care

After care begins at 3:50 p.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. Students must be picked up by 5:30 p.m.

Aftercare billing options

  • Monthly Pre-bill
    • $100 per month per student. No limit on hours within the time frame.
    • Must sign up at the beginning of the year or before the start of the month.
    • Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis. Once aftercare is full, we cannot allow additional students to be added.
  • Monthly Allotments
    • $50 for 1 to 10 hours of care per month per student
    • $10 per hour for hours 11+ per month per student
    • Anyone left in aftercare beyond 5:30pm will be charged $1.00 per minute.
    • Aftercare is charged in hourly increments.

Students will be directed to work on homework before playing.