Lands' End
NorthSide Baptist Academy uses Lands' End as the provider for the student uniforms. School clothing must be purchased from NSBA's Lands' End website, and it must be worn and fit the student according to the design description on NSBA's Lands' End website.
Please label all clothing with student's name. NSBA is not responsible for clothing items that are lost.
Uniform Policies
Elementary (K4-5th)
Please label all clothing with student's name. NSBA is not responsible for clothing items that are lost.

Jr./Sr. High School (6th-12th)
All clothing must be purchased from NSBA's Lands' End website.
Articles of clothing purchased from NSBA's Lands' End website must fit according to the design description
Students will be required to wear either a "School Uniform" or a "Dress Uniform."
- "School Uniform" is the appropriate attire for most school days. All items must follow the guidelines given below.
- "Dress Uniforms" must be worn on chapel days which is typically Friday and on days requested by the administration.

All clothing must be purchased from NSBA's Lands' End website.
Articles of clothing purchased from NSBA's Lands' End website must fit according to the design description.
Uniform skirts are available in every size for fittings in the Academy office. Please take advantage of this resource to ensure the appropriate size for your student before ordering. This will help you save money, time and frustration. NOTE: Skirts must fall below the knee as described on the Lands End website to be an approved uniform. If you would like to schedule a fitting, please email the academy office at info@northsidebaptistacademy.org
Students will be required to wear either a "School Uniform" or a "Dress Uniform."
- "School Uniform" is the appropriate attire for most school days. All items must follow the guidelines given below.
- "Dress Uniforms" must be worn on chapel days which is typically Friday and on days requested by the administration.

Please label all clothing with student's name. NSBA is not responsible for clothing items that are lost.
The biblical principle underlying all standards of dress and grooming is modesty. Modesty applies not only to common decency but also to the matter of calling undue attention to oneself. An appearance that makes a person a public spectacle is as inappropriate for the Christian as clothing that calls inappropriate attention to the body. The clothing and grooming of our students should be appropriate in both facets of modesty.
While at school, student dress will be governed by the Academy uniform program. Students are to be neatly and appropriately dressed for all NSBA sponsored activities. Students are not allowed to attend class without meeting NSBA's Uniform Policy standards. Students in violation of the Uniform Policy may be asked to report to the office to contact parents so the violation can be corrected. Consideration may be given by the administration in circumstances involving new students or difficulties in ordering required portions of the uniform.